Handle authorization

webmachine offer mechanism to authenticate via basic authentification or oauth. All authentification module should inherit from webmachine.auth.base.Auth.

class Auth(object):

def authorized(self, request):
    return True

Basic Authentification

To handle basic authentification just do this in your Resource class:

from webmachine import Resource
from webmachine.auth import BasicAuth

class MyResource(Resource):


    def is_authorized(self, req, resp):
        return BasicAuth().authorized(req, resp)


It’s easy to handle oauth in your dj-webmachine application. First you need to add the oauth resource to your urls.py file:

from webmachine.auth import oauth_res

urlpatterns = patterns('',


    (r'^auth/', include(oauth_res.OauthResource().get_urls())),

Then like with the basic authentification add the class webmachine.auth.oauth.Oauth in your resource:

from webmachine import Resource
from webmachine.authoauth import Oauth

class MyResource(Resource):


    def is_authorized(self, req, resp):
        return Oauth().authorized(req, resp)

Test it

Create a consumer

>> from webmachine.models import Consumer
>> consumer = Consumer.objects.create_consumer()

Request a token for this consumer. We use the restkit client to do that.

>>> from restkit import request
>>> from restkit.filters import OAuthFilter
>>> from restkit.util.oauth2 import Token
>>> import urlparse
>>> resp = request("",
filters=[OAuthFilter("*", consumer)])
>>> resp.status_int

You need now to read the response body, and create a token request on the client side:

>>> qs = urlparse.parse_qs(resp.body_string())
>> request_token = Token(qs['oauth_token'][0], qs['oauth_token_secret'][0])

Now we need to authorize our client:

>>> resp = request("",
filters=[OAuthFilter("*", consumer, request_token)])

We now need to read the body for the second step, since we send a form here to the client. We are again using restkit to send the result of the form and get the tokens back.

>>> form = {'authorize_access': 1, 'oauth_token': '2e8bfdaddb664d97ada4b8cec6827bcf',
'csrf_signature': 'iGHjuOEppMeg+gHWyYV/etLRxTQ='}
>>> resp = request("", method="POST",
body=form, filters=[OAuthFilter("*", consumer, request_token)])

We are now authorized, and we need to ask an access token:

>>> resp = request("",
filters=[OAuthFilter("*", consumer, request_token)])
>>> qs = urlparse.parse_qs(resp.body_string())
>>> access_token = Token(qs['oauth_token'][0], qs['oauth_token_secret'][0])

If you use tthe testoauth application in examples folder, you can then test if you are authorized. Without the acces token:

>>> resp = request("")
>>> resp.status_int
>>> resp.headers
{'date': 'Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:16:25 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/html',
'www-authenticate': 'OAuth realm="OAuth"', 'server': 'WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7'}

You can see the WWW-Authenticate header.

Using the access token:

>>> resp = request("",
filters=[OAuthFilter("*", consumer, access_token)])
>>> resp.status_int
>>> resp.body_string()
"<html><p>I'm protected you know.</p></html>"


You need to install restkit to have oauth in your application.

AUTH classes description

Basic authentification

class webmachine.auth.BasicAuth(func=<function authenticate at 0x36e2b18>, realm='API')
authorized(req, resp)

Oauth authentification

class webmachine.auth.oauth.Oauth(realm='OAuth')[source]
authorized(req, resp)[source]


Find here the description of the abstract class you need to use if you want to create your own class. This class mmanage creation and request of tokens, nonces and consumer. See the webmachine.auth.oauth_datastore.DataStore for a complete example. To use you own class add it to your settings:

OAUTH_DATASTORE = 'webmachine.auth.oauth_store.DataStore'
class webmachine.auth.oauth_store.OAuthDataStore[source]

A database abstraction used to lookup consumers and tokens.

authorize_request_token(oauth_token, user)[source]

-> OAuthToken.

fetch_access_token(oauth_consumer, oauth_token, oauth_verifier, oauth_timestamp)[source]

-> OAuthToken.

fetch_request_token(oauth_consumer, oauth_callback, oauth_timestamp)[source]

-> OAuthToken.


-> OAuthConsumer.

lookup_nonce(oauth_consumer, oauth_token, nonce)[source]

-> OAuthToken.

lookup_token(token_type, key)[source]

-> OAuthToken.

class webmachine.auth.oauth_store.DataStore[source]
authorize_request_token(oauth_token, user)[source]
fetch_access_token(consumer, token, verifier, timestamp)[source]
fetch_request_token(consumer, callback, timestamp)[source]
lookup_nonce(consumer, token, nonce)[source]
lookup_token(token_type, key)[source]

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