.. dj-webmachine documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Nov 10 16:19:42 2010. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to dj-webmachine's documentation! ========================================= webmachine provides a REST toolkit based on Django. It's heavily inspired on `webmachine `_ from Basho. dj-webmachine is an application layer that adds HTTP semantic awareness on top of Django and provides a simple and clean way to connect that to your applications' behavior. dj-webmachine also offers you the possibility to build simple API based on your model and the tools to create automatically docs and clients from it (work in progress). Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction docs Resource oriented ----------------- A dj-webmachine application is a set of :ref:`Resources objects`, each of which is a set of methods over the state of the resource. .. code-block:: python from webmachine import Resource class Hello(Resource): def to_html(self, req, resp): return "Hello world!\n" These methodes give you a place to define the representations and other Web-relevant properties of your application's resources. For most of dj-webmachine applications, most of the Resources instance are small and isolated. The web behavior introduced :ref:`by directly mapping the HTTP ` make your application easy to debug and read. Simple Routing -------------- Combinating the power of Django and the resources it’s relatively easy to buid an api. The process is also eased using the WM object. dj-webmachine offer a way to create automatically resources by using :ref:`the route decorator`. .. code-block:: python from webmachine.ap import wm import json @wm.route(r"^$") def hello(req, resp): return "

hello world!

" Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`