.. _quickstart: getting started quickly with dj-webmachine ------------------------------------------ Install +++++++ Make sure that you have a working Python_ 2.x >=2.5 installed and Django_ >= 1.1. With pip ~~~~~~~~ :: $ pip install dj-webmachine From source ~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the dj-webmachine code:: $ git clone https://github.com/benoitc/dj-webmachine.git $ cd dj-webmachine Or using a tarbal:: $ wget http://github.com/benoitc/dj-webmachine/tarball/master -o dj-webmachine.tar.gz $ tar xvzf dj-webmachine.tar.gz $ cd dj-webmachine-$HASH/ and install:: $ sudo python setup.py install Create a django project +++++++++++++++++++++++ We will quickly create an Hello world accepting HTML and JSON. $ django-admin startproject helloworld $ cd helloworld $ python manage.py startapp hello In the hello folder create a file named ``resource.p```: .. code-block:: python import json from webmachine import Resource class Hello(Resource): def content_types_provided(self, req, resp): """" define the content type we render accoridng the Accept header. """ return ( ("", self.to_html), ("application/json", self.to_json) ) def to_html(self, req, resp): return "Hello world!\n" def to_json(self, req, resp): return "%s\n" % json.dumps({"message": "hello world!", "ok": True}) Add **dj-webmachine** and your hello app to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in your settings:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'webmachine', 'helloworld.hello' ) Put your the Hello resource in your ``urls.py``: .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from helloworld.hello.resources import Hello urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^$', Hello()), ) Launch your application:: $ python manage.py runserver Take a look! Point a web browser at http://localhost:8000/ Or with curl:: $ curl Hello world! $ curl -H "Accept: application/json" {"message": "hello world!", "ok": true} The first line ask the hello page as html while the second using the same url ask for JSON. To learn how to do more interresting things, checkout :ref:`some examples ` or read :ref:`more documentations ` . .. _Python: http://python.org .. _Django: http://djangoproject.org