Reuses connections ================== Reusing connections is good. Restkit can maintain for you the http connections and reuse them if the server allows it. To do that restkit is using the `socketpool module `_ :: from restkit import * from socketpool import ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool(factory=Connection) r = request("http://someurl", pool=pool) .. NOTE:: By default, restkit use a generic session object globaly abvailable. You can change its settings by using the **restkit.sesssion.set_session** function. Restkit provides also Pool working with `eventlet `_ or `gevent `_. Example of usage with Gevent:: from restkit import * from socketpool import ConnectionPool # set a pool with a gevent packend pool = ConnectionPool(factory=Connection, backend="gevent") Replace **gevent** by **eventlet** for eventlet support.