wsgi_proxy ---------- Restkit version 1.2 introduced a WSGI proxy extension written by `Gael Pasgrimaud `_ .This extension proxy WSGI requests to a remote server. Here is a quick example. You can read full post `here `_ . We will do here a simple proxy for `CouchDB `_. We use `webob `_ and `gunicorn `_ to launch it:: import urlparse from webob import Request from restkit.conn import TConnectionManager from restkit.ext.wsgi_proxy import HostProxy mgr = TConnectionManager(nb_connections=10) proxy = HostProxy("", pool=mgr) def application(environ, start_response): req = Request(environ) if 'RAW_URI' in req.environ: # gunicorn so we can use real path non encoded u = urlparse.urlparse(req.environ['RAW_URI']) req.environ['PATH_INFO'] = u.path # do smth like adding oauth headers .. resp = req.get_response(proxy) # rewrite response # do auth ... return resp(environ, start_response) And then launch your application:: gunicorn -w 12 -a "egg:gunicorn#eventlet" couchdbproxy:application And access to your couchdb at `` . You can also use a Paste configuration:: [app:proxy] use = egg:restkit#host_proxy uri = strip_script_name = false allowed_methods = get Here is a more advanced example to show how to use the Proxy class to build a distributed proxy. `/a/db` will proxify ``:: import urlparse from webob import Request from restkit.conn import TConnectionManager from restkit.ext.wsgi_proxy import Proxy mgr = TConnectionManager(nb_connections=10) proxy = Proxy(pool=mgr, strip_script_name=True) def application(environ, start_response): req = Request(environ).copy() req.path_info_pop() req.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = '' % req.script_name.strip('/') resp = req.get_response(Proxy) return resp(environ, start_response)